Working with Look

Service, tools and support

Look.insite began life as a full service studio specialising in 360° VR. We have evolved as our technology has advanced and now offer a suite of tools that allow our clients to build their own sites from start to finish. However we still focus very much on providing tailored service and developing new techniques to suit the wishes of our clients.

Creating Insites – your way

How to build an Insite

You can build your own interactive 360° environment and populate it with media, information and action. We provide a suite of tools and the support you need to make it happen. However if you’d rather leave it to the professionals we can step in and take over some or all of the work. Our studio specialists can help you generate the highest quality immersive experiences quickly and easily.





Seating plan for the Lightning protection project with TÜV Süd Academy

Capturing space in 360º

The first stage of building an Insite is to capture a space in a series of 360° (panoramic) images. This doesn’t have to be done using a camera. You can also generate an imaginary space using AI or 3D computer models.

Find out more about 360º photography

Seating plan for the Lightning protection project with TÜV Süd Academy

The ideal first step to capturing the location for an immersive environment is to get an idea of the space in advance through maps or photographs and then roughly plan what needs to be shot. Unlike video shooting you don’t need a script as such – what you make is nonlinear so the best preparation is often to draw a simple map and write a list.

On location the boiler factory. This is in fact an old American army base when a range of boilers are available for training and learning with immersive training from Look.Insite
The rule of thumb for preparation for a location shoot is to make the whole space look as you want it to in the photographs. For this reason once you start  360º photography, it’s important that the everything remains the same because the camera shoots in every direction. Also during shooting it's important for people to hide out of view of the camera because it looks in every direction like an all seeing eye!
On location the boiler factory. This is in fact an old American army base when a range of boilers are available for training and learning with immersive training from Look.Insite

The spaces that you photograph are often dangerous or inaccessible so we often work with experts to make sure that everything is done safely. In fact, often the same skilled person will serve as a guide for what you should shoot including which elements require extra stills photography or video demonstrations.

That doesn’t mean it’s necessary for everything to be decided before you start shooting. In fact you can adapt the project even after the photography has happened. What's important is to capture the space fully without leaving any empty spaces.

Bosch Laser Measure with Photo function

Building 3-D simulation of the immersive training location requires detailed measurements of where the 360º photographs were taken in relation to the space. This is essential to allow us to build the navigation points accurately into the location, as well as to to place the hotspots three-dimensionally and also to draw the 3D map. In furtherance of this goal we utilise a variety of techniques to capture information including lasers, photogrammetry and good old tape measures.

Arranging the panoramic views in three-dimensional space using the 3-D program blender with immersive training from Look.Insite

Construct Your Insite

An Insite is an online simulation of a real location where you can move around inside 360 degree images. You build the Insite by placing the panoramic images in position and connecting them together so that you can move between them.

This is done using the Insites Builder tool which is a plug-in for the open source 3-D software Blender. Don’t worry, it’s all very straightforward. You don’t need to to be an expert, our help tools will guide you through the whole process.

Arranging the panoramic views in three-dimensional space using the 3-D program blender with immersive training from Look.Insite

Placing the Points of View in Position

An Insite is basically a series of 360° panoramic points of view in a three-dimensional space - each view is visible from the other and you can move between them as if you were moving in space.
Our first task is to prepare our 360 images and then load them into the Insites Builder tool. Then we place them in the correct relative positions. This will create the feeling of seeing the different points of view from each other.
Our floating map allows you to get an overview of your location and understand three-dimensional connections between them with immersive training from Look.Insite

Drawing the Interactive Map

Normally an Insite has an interactive map which allows the user to navigate by clicking on floating dots which represent the different 360° points of view. It can be viewed as a two dimensional flat map or in 3D floating within the space in front of the camera. By turning your head you can look at the 3D map from different angles. For this reason the design of the map is usually kept as simple as possible. Maps can also represent different levels of the same building. So when you move from one level to the next the map will also change.
The map can be generated directly from the Insites Builder tool or can be created in Photoshop and added to the Insite.
VR Training

Add Avatars, Video Screens and more

Avatars are video sequences which are shot in the actual environment or in the studio and overlaid within the space. Avatars are shot in front of a green screen and then keyed out in post Production and then put back into the environment using the Builder tool. It's often best to shoot Avatars in the actual location because this is the easy way to make sure that the lighting matches.

Any real life Screens can be brought to life by playing real video on it. You can even add reflections to make it look completely realistic.

Furthermore f there's any thing you don't want people to see for example to protect the identity of a child or to hide a trade secret you can overlay blur effect or even replace one element with another.


Explaining how things change is one of the main features of immersive training with Look.Insite

Adding Life and Motion

Animations are photographed as a series of incremental changes for example a door opening and closing or a fan rotating. Following that these sequential images are then overlaid in the 360° space and played as stop motion sequences.

It's pretty simple to shoot animations. Just take the 360 photo and then move the item a little bit and then take another and then take another. The Insites Builder well add those animations to your Insite.

Information item from the VW caddy with immersive training from Look.Insite

Compose Your Content

Once the world-building is complete the Insite is ready to receive content. To make that possible we’ve developed a system so that an Insite can be filled with information and media very easily. You start by composing a series of information points containing text and media resources using our content management system.

Information item from the VW caddy with immersive training from Look.Insite

Place Content Where It's Relevant

The beauty of Insites is to make information and media available the specific location where it is most useful. Trigger points can be placed near to any object or area within the space which call up the display of that content up when they are clicked.

These info objects normally contain a panel of text, and images or videos in a panel above. They can however be designed to show just one of either or even a PDF or link. In addition to that it is also possible to add text in the info panel which is below the menu bar at the bottom of the site and can contain large amount of text and images.

Look.Insite content management system with floating preview panel for building immersive training with Look.insite

The Look.insite CMS (Content Management System)

We have developed a unique and unrivalled content management system specifically for the development of immersive media. For instance it provides the user with clear feedback and control over the formatting of text and the wording of labels and titles. Not only this it also offers a user friendly system for managing media resources. Meaning that it is possible to complete the creation of all training text and media content without the need for external support. In fact all that you require is that we create a project within the CMS that and a media storage area from which you can access to manage your data.
Data input with Look.Insite CMS is made easy with the markdown language

Composing Text

The text, image and video items that appear when you click a hotspot in the immersive training are defined using our specially made content management system. To simplify the process it uses an alternative to HTML coding called markdown to define the form of the text concurrently we define a CSS template for you to get the styling of your text and images perfect. This means the way your text will appear in the insite can be previewed within the CMS so that bullet points and other formatting are easy to check without needing to preview the real site.
Adding images and PDFs to theLook.Insite CMS

Handling Media

All media content such as images, video files and PDFs can be uploaded by the user into a secure storage online which then can be referenced by the CMS and appear in the Insite immersive training. These resources are listed in order so that images can be seen as a slideshow and also defined with labels.Added to that Videos can be streamed using youtube etc. Or sourced directly from the hosting server.

The content management interface with immersive training from Look.Insite

Fill Your Insite

Once the Space has been created the Insite is ready for Authoring and Styling. This stage of the process happens within the site itself. You access your content using the menus and then place it in position, then set up your user interface to suit your own style.

Menu organisation with the content management system with immersive training from Look.Insite

Organising Content in Menus

The key connection between the authoring system and the CMS is the arrangement of information items into folders and subfolders. This is all done using a very simple menu system where folders are defined in the CMS and then using a drag-and-drop system items are organised to be arranged within these folders. In authoring mode before any items are placed within the space they will be accessible from the menu.

The content management interface with immersive training from Look.Insite

Edit your Insite online

Although the creation of the content takes place in the CMS, users can place this content within the actual scenario online and see the results immediately. All that's required is to enable the authoring mode on the work-in-progress site and instantly all the items that have been written in the CMS show up on the menu and can be placed as hotspots from any POV. As a result of simply reloading the site you can see the changes that were made.


Position Hotspots and Hot Areas In The 3D Space

Hotspots can be placed near to any object or area within the space to call up the display of content when they are clicked. Hot Areas can also be defined where the mouse cursor will change to display a tip about what will happen when you click. Also that area can be used to control the zoom of the camera into the object when the panel is displayed.

This is done simply by selecting an info item from the menu and then clicking in the location where you'd like the hotspot to be positioned. Drawing in the Hot Area is also very simple. You just start drawing the shape by clicking points around the boundary and when you're finished you hit enter. Exiting the authoring mode will give you a chance to test what you've made.

Multiple anchor points and user interface items for the VW caddy immersive training from Look.Insite

Designing your own UI

Insites has a minimal and stylish UI which can be adapted to fit with the corporate identity of our clients across a full range of immersive training platforms. To achieve this the interface can be customised through the styling and design of the map, the design of the icons, the placement of a branded logo and the fonts and colours of the text elements of the user interface.

Fake It!

Working With Computer Generated or AI Content

Insites don’t have to be photographic virtual tours. They can also be completely computer modelled or even generated using artificial intelligence. It’s also possible to take a real environment and add computer generated elements to it. This comparison image shows the before and after when seats were added to an auditorium.

By the way, It’s also possible to change details or obscure faces using the Insites Builder

Insites Guides – help to find your way

Useful Resources for Insite builders

We’ve created a excellent range of user guides and explainers to help you to build your own Insites. Whether you prefer to follow a video or read through the manual. You can find what you need here to work out pretty much every problem. But it’s always possible just to get in touch and ask us a question.





Helpful Documentation

We provide a full range of documentation and user guides. This includes the authoring tools, instructions on shooting your own 360° images and a wide range of other useful information.

Look.Insite content management system with floating preview panel for building immersive training with Look.insite

Embed Within Your Website

An Insite can be delivered as a full web package which is then hosted within your a website - as a stand alone page or within a window inside a page. The package is in one folder in the standard form of web content which includes all of the assets and media elements and is triggered by accessing an HTML index file.

All that's needed is to place this content within your service structure and make sure that the URL points to the Insite folder

The learning management system library-LMS for immersive training from Look.Insite

Fully Compatible With Learning Management Systems

Once authors are satisfied with the immersive training they request the delivery of their Insite. We then immediately prepare a data package that can be hosted within a learning management system or on a server. In fact we can also host projects on our own server on request. When required an LMS package can be generated in SCORM although other formats are available. Normally progress is displayed during the training but forgotten if the site is reloaded, but unique to us with an LMS hosted package a learner can revisit the immersive training at any stage and pick up where they left off and of course the training hosts can keep track of their progress as well.

Look.Insite content management system with floating preview panel for building immersive training with Look.insite

Delivering Secure and Private Content

Insites can be hosted completely outside of the public Internet. This can be achieved using a login system such as an LMS or with a virtual server which is a small file which we deliver with the package which allows you to use it without Internet access. It is also possible to create a complete self-contained download package which functions rather like an app.

Look.Insite content management system with floating preview panel for building immersive training with Look.insite

We Can Host Your Insite For You On The Look Server

We can also host your Insite on our own server which you can then link to from your own website . This provides the advantage of our server speed and also makes the hosting process more straightforward.