Insites – VR Training in 360 degrees
The virtual alternative to training visits
Why waste time and money having your team travel for training when they can learn more effectively, when and where it suits them?
The solution is Insites – VR Training with 360 degree photography. You can shoot and build your own virtual e-learning with easy tools or work with our studio experts to create incredible e-learning experiences available online with headsets, desktop and mobile devices. Even better there’snodownloading or specialist equipment needed, in fact all you need to do is open a browser and start learning in VR.
Look.insite, Düsseldorf, Germany
Dedicated specialists, innovative technology with service and support on demand
Insites – online VR training in 360 degree photography – Not only explore a real location but also interact with and learn from everything you find there. Works perfectly on PC, phones, tablets and headsets.
Insites boasts many unique features:
With Insites builder you can create fully interactive VR training using your own 360 degree photographs, in addition for even more professional results our photographers and experts can build a VR training with you.
Working with Insites builder means:
- Online authoring with instant feedback
- Compose text and media with our intuitive CMS
- Build your VR world with our Blender add-on
- Custom design for a branded UI
- We can write your training or collaborate with you
- Feature development available on request
- Quick and helpful support for as long as you need it
“Success is either getting there first, making more or being the best.”
How to make VR Training with Insites
Production time is measured in weeks rather than months.
You usually start with a shoot at your location and then the Insite can be completed online
1. Photograph
Capture your location with
360 degree photography, video, still images or animation.
3. Author
Fill your Insite with training content and features like media, avatars and animation
Instant Access
Insites are also available ready-made through our partner TÜV Süd Academy. To get started just click here and visit the XR Academy and get Insites on Oil Tanker Safety, Boiler Inspections, Lightning Protection, Ventilation Systems or Warehouse Safety.
What we do is new, so it’s understandable that you may have a few questions.
If there’s anything else you want to know please just contact us, and we will be happy to help.
Why is it worth bringing location training online?
Gettting your team up to speed, and keeping them there, is hard.
Especially when the type of knowledge needed is linked to a particular location. You’ve got to organise the location itself, the trainer and also the trainees – who might need to be given time off and then transported to the location. Inevitably these events require many resources and take time to organise. During that time there’s always the risk that individuals without the adequate training get hurt, cause damage or the company is fined for non-compliance.
Even if everything else goes right it’s not always optimum to walk around a potentially dangerous environment with a group who are all trying to take in what the trainer is telling them. The reality of onsite training is more people you train – the less effective the training becomes.
Why is immersive training more effective for memory retention?
Studies show that people remember: 10% of they hear, 20% of what they read, 80% of what they see – in 3D you choose your own learning path and remember more.
As children, we learn to find our toys in our play area. In fact children use their spatial memory rather than arranging their world into indexes and folders – that’s something the printing press and then the computer did to adults. Furthermore research shows that we only remember 7 items on average when we read them on a list.
Our spatial visual memory is part of our fundamental skills and not an applied technique. As prehistoric hunters we learned to associate where we saw something in order to remember more detail about it. This technique is commonly utilised in memory competitions and referred to as the Method of Loci or famously in the TV show Sherlock as the sleuth’s Mind Palace.
To illustrate this in the context of understanding a complex system, a car has lots of elements that connect with each other. It’s not always logical to break them into subsets. For example if a warning light goes off, it’s not easy to guess which chapter of the manual explains what that light means. However this is avoided completely with Insites because all you need to do is click on the light itself to find the answer.
Check out this video on the What-Where-When Memory Test to get a deeper insight into how our brains store spatial info.
Is it really possible to improve safety and save time?
By bringing the location to the learner, save resources and reduce risk.
Immersive training has now become recognised as superior to standard e-learning and as a suitable alternative for in person training where opportunities are limited.
Insites make it possible to reach the required levels of knowledge about issues and processes within a location without having set foot in it. This is particularly useful when the space is under very high demand or particularly hazardous.
There is no limit on the amount of people that can train and there is no delay. Training can be made consistent and regularly updated to conform with changes in regulations, also trainees can be tracked and evaluated throughout the process.
Progress can be monitored for tracking by learning management system but also to provide the user information as to what they still need to find out.
But isn't making VR training just really tricky?
It’s very tricky – but not with Insites!
Making VR the traditional way means designing and modelling a computer world from nothing. This means the result Will become more realistic in proportion to the amount of resources you throw at it. However ultimately the realism has a ceiling set by the speed and power of the device you watch it on.
Conversely what you might know as 360º tours, are realistic but normally very passive experiences. Insites takes the best out of both worlds – the interactivity of VR and the realism of 360º. But even more than that it makes the process of building immersive training environments quicker and more creative for our clients.
Furthermore Insites doesn’t even require a powerful device – in fact it runs well on whatever you might be using. So if you don’t like wearing a headset you can have VR on your tablet or a mobile phone.
So what is Insites immersive training, again?
It’s simple, visit a location online and train through interaction along your own learning path.
Insites are photo-realistic spaces where you can learn by exploring. You enter the Insite using an internet browser on any device. You can move around, make things happen and find out how things work from animations, avatars and pop-up windows containing text, image and video content.
There is no specific order for learning just a list of objectives placed within the space. Non-linear training encourages inquisitiveness and allows the trainee to follow their own learning path.
Insites answer the question “what does this do?” by first answering “where can I find it?”. Either we see an object and wish to find out more about it or we know of an object and want to see it in position. Searching by menus, or simply looking around leads us to what we’re looking for – presenting relevant and detailed knowledge in context.

Look.Insite begleitet uns bereits mehrere Jahre als exzellenter Dienstleister für realistische und realitätsnahe 360°-Touren. Gemeinsam haben wir einen Standard erarbeitet, welcher bisher mit der beste auf dem Markt ist und sogar ermöglicht die 360°-Tour mit den gängigen VR-Brillen zu nutzen. Bezogen auf alle für uns wichtigen Aspekte wie z.B. Qualität der gesamten 360°-Tour, Individualisierbarkeit, Verfügbarkeit, Usability und Erweiterbarkeit, ermöglicht dies auch eine direkte Übernahme aller erstellten 360°-Touren in unsere TÜV SÜD XR Academy.
We’re Looking forward to helping you too!

Nico Clark

Project Manager
Christoph Peters

3D Supervisor
Sean Elliott

Ian Glass

Remigius Rupik